Valentine’s Day Warm-Up Painting
Today is Valentine’s Day, the official day of love.
And what better way to show my love than with art?
Three days ago, I turned 38. The numbers are getting bigger, which is a blessing. But I can’t help but feel like something’s missing from my life.
As a kid, I was into painting, but so is every kid. I can’t say I’ve been a lifelong artist. The artist in me blossomed I would say ten or so years ago, and I’ve struggled to call myself an artist because I’ve pushed my art to the side and put it on pause for so many seasons in my life. For a long time, I was scared to show my work and felt like an imposter daring to ask family, friends, and strangers to give up their hard-earned coins for one of my paintings.
I follow so many fellow artists on Instagram and I often have closed out the app wondering how they muster the courage to not only share their art, but sell it and make a living through their work.
I think it all comes down to love.
Love for the craft. Love and belief in what they are creating. Love for the work of their hands.
I’m a naturally cautious person, more so since becoming a mom. I’ve always chosen safe careers and the “guarantee” of security. But this past year as a freelance copywriter (my other job), has shown me that if you have a skill or product that people resonate with, love, and need, you will be hired. You will be booked and busy. The uncertainty of working for myself has given me the confidence to move forward with sharing and selling my art again.
This Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share the current state of my heart. I’m no longer interested in the safe option. I am putting my art in the hands of God, and in my own self-belief that my work is worthy of being shown, purchased, shared, and talked about by the art community and everyone it resonates with.
The picture above is a quick gestural sketch that I did in my art journal. It was more of an exercise to play around with colors for a future painting, but this in and of itself is beautiful to me. There is so much practice and technique that goes into abstract painting, and not every work is a masterpiece (believe me!) But this practice informs my next work and I’m learning to share not just the finished product, but the story each work tells in between.
I hope you celebrate what brings you joy today. That can be a partner, a child, a friend, or your heart’s passion. I hope you have the courage to share what and who you love today and always!